Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Quit Your J.O.B. in 2009 With This.....Guaranteed!

Happy New Year to all!
I hope it will be a prosperous one for you. Our economic outlook for the new year doesn't seem to be any better than it was in 2008, but don't despair!.... It does not have to be that way........I have been working at the Adwords game for awhile, and have taken some lumps before getting it right. Most people go about it all wrong, trying to find that one golden nugget that will earn them $1000 a day, instead of putting together, say ten that earn 20 to 50 a day.
You can build on small profitable campaigns to to get the highest conversions that you can, and then move on to more. Be warned......if you are new to the adwords game, you need some education first. I have been introduced to a person who, although is a bit blunt and straight to the point, has put together absolutely the best information out there for anyone to make money with adwords. If you are totally new and don't even know what adwords is.....he gives you a run down on how to get started the right way ...FOR FREE!.....For everyone else, the information has a price that is so ridiculously low, you cannot afford NOT to buy it.......I did and immediately started making changes to my campaigns with results that are going to have me smiling all the way through 2009!
O.K. So here you go .....Go out and be successful in 2009 with MY Top Tip For 2009.
In case you missed it... CLICK HERE ! Now go make some money......No Excuses!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

An Effective Method For Free or Paid

Here is a strategy that I use as both a free method and with paid advertising. It requires a bit of work, such as researching or trying to find a niche, and then writing a review page on a product that you want to sell that has to do with your chosen area. Simple, right?.....Well can be if you know the steps to take!
O.K ..first we want to find a niche that might be profitable. This is the best part, because there are countless areas out there that are untapped and ready to earn you money! How to find them.....this requires a bit of time and a little brainstorming, but can be fun and also gets easier with practice. I like to use the Google Adwords Keyword Tool, and some other free tools as well. Type in any search term or phrase that comes to mind...for the sake of being random, I will use 'weddings'. Now when it returns the results, go to the drop down box in the upper right and choose 'show all'...this will give you the search volume, advertiser competition, and the month with the highest notch information for finding a niche.....One search result that jumps out at me is 'Wedding vows'.
Now this looks very promising, (I cant believe that I'm giving this one away!)...It has a search volume of 165,000 plus, the highest in July, and a very low cost per click, if you were going for the PPC advertising......Next, I go to Clickbank, and click on 'marketplace' at the top of the page and search for products that have to do with 'wedding vows' can then choose one or two, write some reviews with your affiliate addresses as links and there you go. Of course this is a very short version, but I am trying to keep this short. I could write a whole book on this subject!. With a topic like wedding vows, I would probably do some research and create my own product to sell. Thats a topic for another post!
You can use either a Blog or Squidoo lens to use as your product review pages. Both both are free methods and are well liked by the search engines.......meaning you can get some very targeted and very FREE traffic .
If you would rather go the paid advertising route, I would suggest the best way is to make your own landing page on your own site. This is not free but can pay for itself easily. One such way is by getting your own domain and hosting for $10 a month, pick up some referrals and it becomes self funding.
I have to keep this post short ( but will be back with more in depth material.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Free Income vs. Time and Effort

This is just a short post as I am working on some awesome stuff for after the holiday. The title means this...
out of the many ways to earn money for no out of pocket cost, most will require some, if not a lot of time and some effort on your part to see some financial gain. Thats just the way it is. I believe that it is worth the time and effort, as once you build an income, it takes much less time and effort to keep it running for you 24/7.
Now here's the point of this post.......There is One free to join and earn program that you can slowly grow into hundreds of dollars per month income for less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day, while you sit back and do nothing! Hits for Pay is running for a short time (for the first 2500) an affiliate builder program, which means that
when you join and pay $6 a month your url is placed in a rotator that recieves all of the companies traffic.Why would you want to do this? I joined and in 3 days picked up 2 new referrals with no advertising or recruiting on my part whatsoever. Most people who join these programs will stick with them, as it costs nothing to remain a member you can earn ever growing monthly paychecks from simply inviting people to join and look at e-mails. If you help the people that you invited, to pick up referrals of their own, they will stay with you forever!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Biggest Reason For Not Making Money

After talking to a reader on the phone yesterday, It became all too apparent that I am not doing a very good job of relaying information, or for some other reason, the important steps are being overlooked.......O.K......Here
is THE SECRET To Making Money Online.....DO SOMETHING!.....If you take no action at all, you will never make any money....period!........So, what should I be doing?.......Do whatever you feel comfortable with, and make an action plan to follow so you stay focused....Example....Suppose you have found a Clickbank product that you want to promote.......and lets say it's in the niche "How To Approach Women"
for you single guys!....You now have a product to sell, so now you must get it in front of people who would like to buy it....You can send traffic to your clickbank hoplink, or URL if your not familiar with that term, or to your own landing page, or squeeze page.......A very good Free resource for a squeeze page, and also free training on how to set one up with an autoresponder, (free and free) is IsoRegister a terrific, and free resource...Alright, no excuses, a product to promote and free resources....Here are your things to do.......First: write down a realistic daily schedule of tasks to do......remember, you can always add to this, so start small. here are some things you should be doing.......Start a blog on your niche subject, regularly with good content, suggestions, maybe use some testimonials from the sales for other blogs on similar subjects, post good comments on those to link back to your own.....make several squidoo lenses on the subject, an example is one I have on Making Money Online for No Cost which gets traffic from google and yahoo search engines......write several articles on your subject, or as a review of your product, submit them to EzineArticles, or another free site and link in your bio box to your blog or squidoo lense.
Go to Google and search for "how to attract women" forums or something as a similar search term.. join them and start making good posts......offer sound advice or try to answer questions......put a link to your product in your 'signature', most forums will allow this, make sure you read and follow their rules........This is just a small list of things that you can do......all for no cost.........if you simply take action and make posts, write, add content, etc,
regularly, you WILL start making sales......especially if you have a product that converts, or sells well....The best part of this line of action, is once you start getting decent traffic, it will continue 24 hrs a day, when you sleep, when you are taking a vacation, or whatever. continue building your traffic base and your sales will happen on autopilot........When you start having some decent success, find another niche and do the same thing over......or even better yet, you can start out sourcing the writing and free up your time to find nore niche areas!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Arbitrage conspiracy Call Tonite

If you haven't heard of the Arbitrage Conspiracy Report yet, It deals with the same concept and system
from my last post. You can get the free report and information on attending the call at this link.
Hopefully there will be some incredible content and revealing information as to how people are able
to earn as much as 50 to $100k per DAY with this system. This is the same type of business venture
that I am involved with as per my previous post. If you have never been able to earn any significant
income online, pay close attention to these reports. If you learn the information and take action, you
WILL see some significant income.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Best Money Making 'Secret'

Hey there.......this is just slightly off topic as far as no cost, but highly relevant if your interested in picking up
some easy cash to get through the holiday season. In fact, the ONLY reason that I haven't mentioned this is
because I have been concentrating only on free methods to make money..........HOWEVER, I have had an
onslaught of people asking........"What is the absolute Best way for someone (anyone) to start making some
serious money online Without sponsoring, recruiting, taking surveys OR selling anything?.......WHEW!

Sounds a little impossible, eh? ..I would agree with that, EXCEPT........there is a system that does EXACTLY
all that, and I use it myself every why haven't I mentioned it?.....Well, Believe it or not, the vast
majority of people out there are simply unwilling to spend $97 on something, even when they could use the
information and training to make Hundreds of thousands!......Yes I said Hundreds of thousands!......Am I
making that much?......not YET!...But I will say this, and not to brag......I have made more money from that
$97 purchase than most of the yearly salaries leading to adulthood......Oh, and I have been doing this for less
than a year! ANYWAY this isn't about me, ..This is the holiday season (I love Christmas!)....A Time for
Giving.......My mission with this blog and squidoo lense has been to uncover and share the multitude of ways
to build an online business for no cost........I have always maintained the fact that you can make a LOT more
money Faster, by spending a little........O.K., I 'm rambling......I did not discover this, invent it or anything
else, I simply bought the information and training and then did what it said........thats it!

It may not be for everybody, but ANYBODY can do this.....Just click on "Make Money" to see if it is for You.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Free Traffic

What is The One Thing You Need To Succeed Online?

You Need Traffic, and lots of it!
The best traffic is free traffic that just keeps on rolling. And how do you get free traffic?
It's not as hard as you think, and you can get it for free! O.K. I'll run you through a scenario.
Say that your promoting a home business product. You have a website for this product that
needs traffic to get sales so you make money......This is NOT immediate traffic, but it is
natural traffic that builds with time and stays........and costs nothing!
Steps to follow to get this traffic.....Start a blog as per my last post.......pick a couple targeted
keywords that are relevant to your product, and use them in the title and url of the blog.
Post regularly with useful information about your product. Search out other blogs on similar subjects
and post comments to those blogs with links to your blog. Get a free account at Squidoo and create
several lenses related to your product and link to its web page. Use good content and update them
often. Also link your lenses to your blog. Post an ad on Craigslist in 'services offered' under 'small
biz ads' here you can post the url to your website. Search engines LOVE blogs, Squidoo and
Craigslist. ...They also like articles........write some articles on the subject and submit them to or some other a link to your blog in your bio box.
These simple steps will bring you traffic........the more you put into it ...the more traffic you will get!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Making Money ~No Cost

Love the holidays, but seems good to be back to 'normal' again.

O.K. ..Making Money.......Everyone's favorite subject!
Being as there are hundreds of ways to make money for no cost, I am going to randomly
talk about a different way each time I post.

Today Is Blogging

This one is actually fun and can be very lucrative if you hit on a popular subject.....Oh yeh, anyone can do this.
Firstly, do not make this harder than it is.......It's easy.......sign up for an account at, or any free
blog site that you choose.......Start writing about something you are passionate, or knowledgeable about.
Add some pictures, write interesting and intelligent regularly......Get people to actually read your
Blog.........How? you ask.......Simply do a Google search for other blogs on the same or similar subjects, and
leave insightful comments........pick blogs with high page ranks.........most will let you link to them.........this will
slowly and steadily bring traffic to your blog.......

How Do I Make Money At This?

If You have a product, or maybe there is one that is parallel to your topic at
Clickbank, you can put a link to it in your blog posts......Another way is to place
Google adsense ads on your blog....this can be done through the 'layout' tab at the
top of the page....people who read your blog may click on these ads, if they do,
you earn royalties.

You can create many many blogs.......If one really takes off with traffic, concentrate more of your time with that blog to build and better monetize it.

This is a short version, you really just need to jump right in and get your feet
wet, you will learn a great deal by doing!
If you like any of my ramblings, please leave a comment, and visit my lens at