Friday, December 5, 2008

Making Money ~No Cost

Love the holidays, but seems good to be back to 'normal' again.

O.K. ..Making Money.......Everyone's favorite subject!
Being as there are hundreds of ways to make money for no cost, I am going to randomly
talk about a different way each time I post.

Today Is Blogging

This one is actually fun and can be very lucrative if you hit on a popular subject.....Oh yeh, anyone can do this.
Firstly, do not make this harder than it is.......It's easy.......sign up for an account at, or any free
blog site that you choose.......Start writing about something you are passionate, or knowledgeable about.
Add some pictures, write interesting and intelligent regularly......Get people to actually read your
Blog.........How? you ask.......Simply do a Google search for other blogs on the same or similar subjects, and
leave insightful comments........pick blogs with high page ranks.........most will let you link to them.........this will
slowly and steadily bring traffic to your blog.......

How Do I Make Money At This?

If You have a product, or maybe there is one that is parallel to your topic at
Clickbank, you can put a link to it in your blog posts......Another way is to place
Google adsense ads on your blog....this can be done through the 'layout' tab at the
top of the page....people who read your blog may click on these ads, if they do,
you earn royalties.

You can create many many blogs.......If one really takes off with traffic, concentrate more of your time with that blog to build and better monetize it.

This is a short version, you really just need to jump right in and get your feet
wet, you will learn a great deal by doing!
If you like any of my ramblings, please leave a comment, and visit my lens at

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